How soon can I get remarried?

The Texas Family Code says you have to wait at least 30 days after your divorce is finalized to remarry. However, at the time of your divorce you can request that the Judge waive this 30 day waiting period.

How much child support will I have to pay?

To calculate the amount of child support that will be paid, you’ll need to come up with the monthly net income of the possessory parent. To determine your monthly net income, subtract federal income taxes, state income taxes, social security taxes, and union...

How long does it take to get divorced?

The state of Texas requires a 60 day cooling off period before your divorce can be finalized. So, after the Original Petition for Divorce is filed, you have to wait 60 days before the divorce is final. This doesn’t mean that the divorce has do be done on the...

How do I collect back child support?

You first have to file a complaint, in writing, with The Child Support Division of the Texas Office of Attorney General. The state will then attempt to locate the non-custodial parent and collect the back support. Should further actions be required, the state will...

How are pets dealt with during a divorce?

Despite how most people feel about their pets, the law views them as personal property. That means that they will be treated just like any other property in the case. Our judges typically don’t like to deal with pets, so we encourage our clients to reach an...

How are child support payments made?

Since 2002, almost all child support payments go through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) in San Antonio. They record when payments are received and then send them on to the recipient. This may sound like an unusual arrangement, but it’s good for both the...

What are the grounds for divorce?

Texas is a “no-fault” divorce state. That means that you can file for divorce simply because “the marriage has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities between you that has destroyed the legitimate ends of the...

Do grandparents have the right to see the children?

Grandparents have a right to see the children in very limited circumstances. Texas actually has specific sections of the Family Code that address the issues related to grandparents’ rights. Some of the situations when a grandparent can have visitation rights...